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Article: The ®: What is it?

The ®: What is it?

Your lashes are the setting of your gaze.

If the eyebrow is one of the great specialties of the brand, your eyelashes also benefit from the expertise of our technicians. Trained by our founder, Joss Devilleneuve, our little fairies have learned how to open your eyes with Rehaucils, a magical performance that curls your lashes in a natural way.

"The eyelashes beat the drums of desire"

Imagine for a month, your lashes are curled without the help of an accessory! This is what the Réhaucils, the flagship performance of the Eyebrow Workshop, promises you. Unlike a perm that bends the lashes but does not lengthen them, the Rehaucils lifts the lashes to save them length while offering them a nice curvature. In addition, this benefit does not require any special maintenance. You can put on your make-up afterwards, go swimming, stay for hours in your shower, (although it's not good for the environment!), if you like! The only recommendation is not to use a fatty makeup remover that could harm the product and therefore make you lose the effect faster.

So how's a session going?

It only takes 45 minutes to see his eyes transformed! Our technicians use products that comply with French and European law. These products are safe for your health and can cause allergies if you are sensitive. Tell your practitioner who will adapt her installation technique.

Rehaucils Atelier du Sourcil Brive-La-Gaillarde

You can then combine this performance with a dye to give even more depth to the look and add some extensions to sublimate the final rendering and get a real doe look!

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